Term #1: Root Canals
While you may have a general understanding of the fact that your tooth has a crown (the visible part above your gumline) and roots (the portion beneath your gumline), you may remain a bit fuzzy regarding your “root canals.” These are the interior hollow chambers of your roots. This area is often thought of as the “heart” or “life center” of your tooth because it houses the blood vessels and tissue necessary for transporting the nutrients and oxygen that keep your tooth alive. When we perform “root canal therapy,” we remove the tissue from this area.
Term #2: Dental Pulp
Dental pulp is tissue that lines the interior part of your tooth, including your root canals. When it becomes inflamed, damaged, or infected, we must remove it – otherwise, the problem will continue to become worse. This places the life of your tooth and your oral health in serious danger.
Term #3: Gutta Percha
You know what a filling is (which will fill your tooth after root canal therapy) and a dental crown (which will cover your tooth). But – what is this “gutta percha,” you wonder? It’s a rubber-like substance that we will use to seal the tip of your roots to prevent bacteria from re-entering.