3 Things You Will Love About Sedation

If you’re someone who has a foggy notion of what to expect from dental sedation but you haven’t given it too much thought, we hope you will quickly change that! This is especially true if you are relying on sedation to convince and motivate yourself to schedule dental care. Allow us to make our way through some things you will love about sedation, so you recognize it’s a wonderful stepping stone toward keeping your smile healthy.

#1: It’s Relaxing, Of Course

The main reason you will love dental sedation is the fact that it’s relaxing. The sedation we use will help you feel calm. Depending on the type you choose, it might even let you make it through your visit without forming many memories of the experience. You’ll be alert and awake throughout but afterwards, you may think you were sleeping.

#2: It’s No Big Deal

Receiving dental sedation is a breeze. If you choose oral sedation, you’ll swallow a pill (which is something you’re probably used to doing if you ever get sick or get a headache). If you choose IV sedation, we will simply insert a tiny needle into your hand or arm. That’s really all it takes. We will do most of the work. You just have to sit back and relax.

#3: It Helps With Lots Of Concerns

Another reason you will love dental sedation? It helps with just about any reason you feel hesitant to receive dental care. Anxious? It will help. Have a gag reflex that fires off immediately? It will help. Can’t stand the way a dental practice sounds and smells? Sedation will help!

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