
Care For Your Tongue, Too, Please!

Yep, it’s true. You are supposed to be caring for your tongue, along with the other tissues in your mouth,…

Dental Centre of Conroe

Your Smile Care: Remember, You’re Not The Only One

Since you’re not hanging out with huge groups of people as you brush and floss your teeth and since you…

Dental Centre of Conroe

The Balance Of Your Bite: Important Tidbits

The balance of your bite is influenced by multiple factors. Regardless of the particular underlying cause, whether damage to teeth,…

Dental Centre of Conroe

Gum Disease And What You’re Missing

When you hear about gum disease, you have some idea that it’s one of the bad things you’re doing your…

Dental Centre of Conroe

Important Details About: Brushing, Flossing, And Discomfort

You know the plan. If you want a healthy smile, then you should brush twice a day! If you want…

Dental Centre of Conroe

3 Things To Quickly Check Before You Brush

When you brush your teeth, do you just launch right into your dental hygiene routine on autopilot? Or, do you…

Dental Centre of Conroe

Oral Cancer Awareness Month: Remember These Things!

There are a lot of things to celebrate in April but one of those details that may not yet exist…

Dental Centre of Conroe

Who Is Protecting Your Smile?

You may think to yourself that if you don’t try to keep your smile healthy, nobody else is going to…

Dental Centre of Conroe

Your Toothbrush: Is It Working For You…Or Not?

There are different ways that your toothbrush may or may not be working for you. First, there’s the literal way,…

Dental Centre of Conroe

Something Stuck Between Your Teeth? Make Wise Choices!

When you get food stuck between your teeth, there are many things you can say about it and none of…

Dental Centre of Conroe