Care For Your Tongue, Too, Please!

Yep, it’s true. You are supposed to be caring for your tongue, along with the other tissues in your mouth, such as your teeth and gums. This might be a foreign concept to you or … it might be something you know about but that you just ignore either because you need more information or because you’re not too fond of the feeling of your toothbrush’s bristles being dragged across your tongue’s surface. Trust our Conroe, TX team when we say that we understand and get excited: We have some simple yet very effective, easy-to-achieve tips for you in terms of keeping this part of your oral health safe!


Your Smile Care: Remember, You’re Not The Only One

Since you’re not hanging out with huge groups of people as you brush and floss your teeth and since you are the only person in our dental chair when you receive cleanings, checkups, and more, it’s easy to feel unsure about what’s going on with everyone else in the world. The result? When it comes to your smile care, there may be many instances in which you feel like you’re “the only one.” To help you feel better, as you realize that most of the people you know are also dental patients who are in the same boat, so to speak, our Conroe, TX team offers up some examples!


The Balance Of Your Bite: Important Tidbits

The balance of your bite is influenced by multiple factors. Regardless of the particular underlying cause, whether damage to teeth, misalignment, damaged or ill-fitting dental work, missing teeth, etc., is the fact that balance issues may yield consequences. When top and bottom teeth are not lining up well, it can mean a multitude of further concerns that will require dental care. So, learn more from our Conroe, TX team about what this means and, rather than waiting for trouble, improve balance to keep your oral health safe.


Gum Disease And What You’re Missing

When you hear about gum disease, you have some idea that it’s one of the bad things you’re doing your best to avoid as you strive to protect your oral health. However, it’s very possible that if you don’t know much more about it, you’re missing out on some key information that can mean the difference between easy, effective smile protection and the devastation of your gums and other tissues! Take some key details into consideration from our Conroe, TX team, so you may easily continue to protect your smile.


Important Details About: Brushing, Flossing, And Discomfort

You know the plan. If you want a healthy smile, then you should brush twice a day! If you want amazing oral health, then you should also floss once a day. If you want a smile that stays healthy and doesn’t fall victim to the beginnings of any type of disease or functional problems, then your prevention should be completed with visits to see our team for checkups and cleanings! Yep, you’ve got it all down pat. However, what if you’re going along, enjoying your smile care, and suddenly your dental hygiene doesn’t feel so good? What’s happening? Do you wait until your usually scheduled visit with our Conroe, TX team or see us soon? Let’s run through the particulars.


3 Things To Quickly Check Before You Brush

When you brush your teeth, do you just launch right into your dental hygiene routine on autopilot? Or, do you take a moment to scroll through a mental checklist, ensuring you’re on track with the little details that make for exceptionally effective home care? If you’re not really sure, our Conroe, TX team encourages you to next time, take a step back right before you brush to consider a few very important things. It just might make for a cleaner, healthier smile!


Oral Cancer Awareness Month: Remember These Things!

There are a lot of things to celebrate in April but one of those details that may not yet exist on your radar? The fact that April is also Oral Cancer Awareness Month. Though it’s not your favorite topic (as it isn’t anyone’s, really), it’s very important. We remind you that when you practice dental care through a lens of awareness it actually helps you rely on preventive care in a way that offers the most protection! So, today, walk through just a handful of things that our Conroe, TX team really hopes you will remember!


Who Is Protecting Your Smile?

You may think to yourself that if you don’t try to keep your smile healthy, nobody else is going to do it for you! This is, of course, accurate. However, our Conroe, TX team reminds you that you may have your perspective slightly askew when it comes to the details, which can cause you to miss out on essential care that you absolutely need for optimal smile protection. Let’s talk a bit more about the “who” behind your dental care, so you realize just what you need to do to keep teeth and gums at their best!


Your Toothbrush: Is It Working For You…Or Not?

There are different ways that your toothbrush may or may not be working for you. First, there’s the literal way, of course, which includes whether or not it’s actually getting your smile clean, which helps protect your oral health. Then, there’s the question of whether it’s working for you on a preference level. Do you actually like it? Does it make your care easy or do you sort of loathe its existence? To help you become more familiar with your current brush and if it may be time to make some changes (or not), our Conroe, TX team asks some easy questions!


Something Stuck Between Your Teeth? Make Wise Choices!

When you get food stuck between your teeth, there are many things you can say about it and none of them are good! It might feel uncomfortable, it may begin driving you crazy, you may feel embarrassed by the way it looks if it’s visible, and you’ll certainly worry about your oral health if the food is really stuck and doesn’t seem to want to come out. Fortunately, you don’t have to worry in the least! Our Conroe, TX team can make this something that’s easy to overcome with just a bit of advice.
