Categories: Sleep Apnea

Combatting Your Sleep Apnea

Loud nighttime snoring for many is a common phenomenon that is not necessarily thought to be related to a significant impact on your oral health. In fact, many adults are diagnosed with chronic snoring every year and think nothing of it. What most don’t know, however, is that this condition can actually be the result of a more serious sleeping disorder that poses significant risk to your oral health. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX dentist will address the negative effects of disorders such as sleep apnea as well as the ways our team can help you restore your full-night’s rest.

Daytime Fatigue

Nothing is worse than waking up in the morning feeling exhausted. Having to trudge through the day while experiencing fatigue as well as hypersomnia can make it difficult to focus and pay attention to tasks you must perform, and may even cause irritability. While a restless night is normal every once in a while, constantly experiencing this phenomenon can be indicative of a much bigger concern such as sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is a disorder that occurs when your air passage becomes obstructed or narrowed while you rest, causing difficulty breathing and will consist of periodic stopping and starting of breathing. Common symptoms of this disorder include loud or chronic snoring, gasping for air, insomnia at night and hypersomnia during the day, morning headaches, dry mouth, and more. When the throat muscles relax and airflow is restricted, your brain attempts to interfere to regulate your breathing by briefly rousing you to correct the issue. By leaving this concern unattended, you become more at risk of developing serious health concerns. If you suspect you or a partner may be experiencing obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), do not hesitate to contact your dentist as soon as possible.

Impacting Your Oral Health

Preventing the effects of OSA not only matters for your day-to-day function, but a number of aspects of your health as well. In fact, OSA is a serious medical condition that, if left untreated, can cause a significant number of complications, including heart problems, high blood pressure, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, liver problems, and more. In other words, addressing your condition sooner rather than later may be what saves your life. For more information, contact our team today.

What We Can Do

While the effects of OSA can be frightening to think about, all hope is not lost. Utilizing advanced technology, your dentist can provide a specialized solution or customized application to help correct the concern and lead you to a better night of rest.

Find Out Today

When it comes to the quality of your sleep in conjunction with your health, it is always better to act sooner rather than later. Contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600 to learn more or schedule your visit.

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