Four Dangers Of Sleep Apnea

If you are a sleep apnea sufferer, a long list of adjectives may come to mind when you speak of this sleep disorder: Challenging, frustrating, and exhausting may quickly pop into your head. However, if the word “dangerous” does not occur to you then it is high time you learn more about the serious, negative side effects that can impact your life. In addition to compromising your own daily comfort and happiness, your sleeping problem may also place others in harm’s way. Discover more about the pitfalls, so you feel more motivated to receive treatment.

Danger #1: Daily Discomfort

If exhaustion is something you deal with every day, you will find that you suffer from frustrating and uncomfortable symptoms, such as headaches, sore throat in the morning, dry mouth, fatigue, and moodiness.

Danger #2: Relationship Trouble

About that moodiness – you may find that you significant other and your friends aren’t very happy with the mood swings you have been experiencing. Unfortunately, if you sleep next to a significant other, you may also find that your nightly wake-up sessions are causing him or her to wake up too, which means both you and your partner will share symptoms.

Danger #3: Work Performance Problems

If you can’t concentrate, you can expect poor performance in your career or your classes compared to the work you once produced. Fortunately, by seeking sleep apnea treatment, you can enjoy solid nightly sleep, daily energy, and a return to your usual daily focus.

Danger #4: Placing Others At Risk

This one is simple – whether you’re operating heavy machinery in the workplace or driving a car around town, your fatigue places others at risk. Address your sleep apnea to keep yourself and others safe from harm.

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