Categories: Gum Disease

How Periodontal Care Benefits Your Smile

Because caring for your smile is a lifelong practice, starting sooner rather than later will contribute to an overall healthier grin. Indeed, your dentist recommends a well-rounded routine, which means you must do a bit more than just ensure to brush. As a matter of fact, your oral health consists of more than just your teeth, which means it is important to consider all components that make up your oral cavity when providing effective care. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX dentist details why gum care matters, and how you can ensure strength and protection with the help of periodontal treatment.

Developing Plaque on Your Roots

It goes without saying that dental decay is among the most common oral threats out there. In fact, millions of people every year report being affected by varying levels of decay, and those that wait too long before seeking treatment almost always experience more significant conditions.

Just as plaque develops on your teeth as the day goes on, it can also find its way to making a home on your roots, all due to the food we consume. You see, oral bacteria that are present in every smile like to feed off of the foods and beverages we consume. What’s more? These particles may become lodged in-between our teeth and gums.

While some particles may be able to work themselves out of the space on their own, most others need our help. This is where the practice of flossing comes in to help by removing them. You see, if these particles remain, they draw oral bacteria toward and beneath the surfaces of your oral tissues, and the rest is history. For more information about this process, reach out to our team today.

Why Flossing is Necessary

In order to remove stuck food, flossing should be implemented at least once every day. Keep I mind, the longer you wait to address this issue, the worse the situation will become.

As a matter of fact, individuals who develop periodontal issues often experience a number of symptoms or side effects. These include alarmingly loose teeth, separation between tissues and structures, swollen, bleeding, or discolored gums, and even tooth loss. Contact our team to learn more about this process.

Additional Treatment

When you begin to experience side effects such as the ones mentioned above, it is important to contact your dentist and schedule a professional periodontal cleaning. We remove the plaque and tartar that has developed on your teeth roots, then we take care to smooth their surfaces so that future bacterial attachment is much more difficult.

Schedule Your Appointment

Contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600 to learn more about the need for gum care, and schedule your next appointment with our office today.

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