What one or more veneers can do
Porcelain veneers, which are thin shells of dental porcelain that are custom-designed to mimic the healthy, natural appearance of your teeth, are recommended for a wide range of cosmetic dental concerns. The goal of placing porcelain veneers is to completely restore and improve the visible part of a natural tooth’s structure, which a veneer accomplishes by being bonded to the tooth’s front surface. This allows the veneer to address a variety of different tooth concerns, from improving its severe discoloration to repairing tooth damage, correcting minor tooth alignment issues, or simplifying a smile makeover procedure when multiple tooth blemishes are present.
Why porcelain veneers are minimally invasive
The benefits of porcelain veneers include more than just their lifelike appearance, but also the minimally invasive nature of their placement. Veneers are durable, but thin, and placing a custom veneer only requires minimal preparation of the tooth’s front surface. This means the rest of the healthy, natural tooth structure can remain unchanged, which helps preserve more of the tooth’s structural integrity in the long run. By keeping your smile improvement minimally invasive, veneers can also help you enjoy your newly improved smile faster and more conveniently.
How easy it can be to maintain your veneers
For a porcelain veneer to successfully improve and restore a tooth, it must be custom-designed to precisely match the healthy tooth’s size, shape, and contour, as well as its color and appearance. This means the veneer will blend in naturally with your smile’s overall contour, and keeping them clean and well-maintained can be as simple as keeping up with good dental hygiene and preventive care practices. Be sure to brush and floss your teeth carefully at least twice a day, preferably with a soft-bristled toothbrush that’s less likely to scratch your veneers. Also, visit your dentist for routine checkups, cleanings, and maintenance visits to ensure your veneers’ continued success.
Learn if your smile can benefit from veneers
If you have one or multiple cosmetic blemishes with your smile, then learn how porcelain veneers might be the best solution for improving most or all of them. To learn more, schedule a consultation by calling the Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX, today at (936) 441-4600. We serve patients from Conroe and all neighboring communities.