Making Your Visit More Relaxing With Sedation

For a number of people, attending their dental checkup and cleaning is simply adhering to a portion of the standard oral care regimen. Indeed, checkups are necessary in order to avoid complications such as the need for a dental crown or root canal down the line, and serve a role in monitoring your smile to ensure its health. For other individuals, however, the thought of attending their visit is enough to spark fear or anxiety, making any sort of treatment – no matter how large or small – more of a chore than it needs to be. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX dentist will take a look at the ways our team can help alleviate this anxiety with the use of dental sedation.

Easing Dental Anxiety

Just as some people fear heights or roller coasters, others have a fear of going to the dentist. This notion can arise from a number of factors, but bear in mind that unlike the former examples, not attending a checkup or cleaning can have negative effects. Indeed, the sense of anxiety or dread can become so great that it bars individuals from attending their necessary preventive visits, and while it may not seem like that pressing of an issue, the negative effects will compound. In order to avoid this, our team may suggest a number of different options for sedation that not only can give you peace of mind, but cause your procedure to be much more relaxed and calm throughout. For more information about these options, contact our team today.

Different Methods for Different Levels

When it comes to easing your dental anxiety, your solution is going to depend largely on the severity of the situation. In some mild to moderate forms that may accompany a procedure such as a dental filling, our team may recommend the use of oral sedation. This process includes taking a pill that Dr. Richards provides you prior to your procedure to relax your central nervous system. Keep in mind, however, that it will take some time to wear off, so plan on having a family member or friend on standby to drive you home.

Another form of sedation that we offer includes IV sedation, in which a sedative drug is administered intravenously to accomplish a deep state of relaxation. We typically recommend this option to those with more moderate to severe levels of dental anxiety, and you’ll need a loved one or friend to take you home after your procedure is completed.

Making Your Visit More Relaxing

Don’t let the fear of your appointment cause you to miss out on important dental visits. Contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600 to learn how sedation dentistry can be used to make your visit more calm and relaxing.

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