You Wake Up With A Sore Throat
Are you waking up in the morning with a sore throat in combination with other uncomfortable symptoms like dry mouth and a mild headache? If so, you may need sleep apnea treatment. You see, the sleep disorder will cause you to miss out on oxygen for moments at a time while you stop breathing – it will also result in multiple instances of gasping for air. The result? Dry mouth, sore throat, and headaches.
You Are Exhausted
If you are exhausted in a way that continues to worsen – though you don’t remember waking up multiple times during the night – sleep apnea is a big possibility. Most patients suffer from severe fatigue but do not remember the waking events.
Friends Say You’re Moody
Lack of sleep will often lead to significant moodiness, which you may not notice but your loved ones will quickly point it out. You may also find that you feel depressed and that you have trouble focusing on just about everything. Contact us to discuss your symptoms and the benefits of sleep apnea treatment if you identify with one or more of these side effects.