They’re Completely Customized
One of the reasons you can expect porcelain veneers to look so natural is the fact that they are painstakingly crafted to look as though they are your own teeth. You’re not receiving a universal set of ceramic casings to cover the front of your teeth. You’re getting shells in the color, shape, and size that flatters your features.
They’re Slightly Translucent
Take a close look at your smile. Closer! You will see that your teeth are a bit translucent. Since we use slightly translucent porcelain to craft your porcelain veneers, you’re getting a finish that looks nearly identical to natural tooth tissue.
They’re Made Up Of Thin Layers
While you were standing there looking at your teeth in the mirror, what did you see when you noticed your teeth are a bit translucent? If you looked carefully, you noticed that your teeth are layered. There’s not just one layer of tissue there. Similarly engineered, porcelain veneers are comprised of multiple thin layers of porcelain to give a very natural effect (with exceptional durability).
Transform Your Smile With Veneers
Get the facts on what makes veneers look so exceptional, so you can move forward with the transformation you’re hoping to achieve. Come in for a visit in Conroe, TX by scheduling a visit with the Dental Centre of Conroe by calling (936) 441-4600. We serve patients from Conroe, Houston, The Woodlands, Willis, Montgomery, Magnolia, Huntsville, and the neighboring communities.