Root Canal Therapy: Your Questions

Ah yes, the ever-avoided root canal therapy that can save an infected tooth! Why would anyone in their right mind avoid something so extraordinarily helpful, we wonder to ourselves? Then, of course, our dental team remembers that there’s a lot of gossip and rumors out there about this otherwise lovely treatment. Allow us to tell you why we feel so enthusiastic about root canals and how you can, too. Try out our question and answer session.

Questions and Answers: Root Canals

Question: How can I feel good about coming in for a root canal therapy visit when everyone keeps telling me that it’s going to feel awful?

Answer: By listening to our honest response that goes something like this: You will feel good from start to finish and after the treatment. This is true for three reasons. First, we will numb the affected area. Second, you may take advantage of our dental sedation. Third, we are a compassionate team that takes your comfort very seriously.

Question: Why can’t I just get a filling or something else? Is it really that important that I get a root canal treatment?

Answer: A crown covers your tooth. A filling fills in the opening left by tooth decay. Neither of these treatments removes dental pulp, which is exactly what you need when that pulp is infected or inflamed. Otherwise, infection will occur if it is not already, potentially leading to an abscess. You need the root canal therapy because other options will not work.

Question: I still don’t understand why so many people say root canal therapy hurts.

Answer: Usually, patients remember the pain associated with their infected tooth and then further relate that to their feelings when they first arrived for their root canal treatment. It was the problem, not the solution that was uncomfortable.

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