Sedation: Your Candidacy Questions

How much do you know about qualifying for sedation dentistry? Are you under the impression that the only people who may receive sedation are those who experience extraordinary nervousness regarding care? Do you think that sedation might help you feel more comfortable maintaining consistent care of your smile but you are too shy to ask? Whatever your concerns, we encourage you to consider some common questions about candidacy. You will find that this solution for enjoying tranquil care is well suited to most patients (and that this lengthy list of candidates probably includes you, too).

Common Questions About Sedation Candidacy

Question: How do you decide whether my anxiety qualifies as “severe dental anxiety?”

Answer: We don’t need to. We offer sedation dentistry to most healthy patients who feels nervous. This may mean that you fall anywhere on the spectrum of dental anxiety, from severe nervousness to mild nerves.

Question: Can I choose sedation dentistry if I am not nervous at all but I am dealing with other issues?

Answer: Yes, sedation is not only for anxiety. The goal is to offer everyone a relaxing visit. For instance, if you suffer from a severe gag reflex, we can relax you (and your muscles) for a less challenging appointment.

Question: Can I suggest sedation dentistry, so I can have extensive work done within fewer appointments?

Answer: Yes. This is a wonderful benefit of sedation. The time will seem to pass quite fast, while we complete work within a condensed block of visits.

Question: Do you offer more than one type of sedation?

Answer: Yes, we offer both oral sedation and IV sedation. We will speak with you about the best solution for your needs.

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