Categories: Sleep Apnea

Sleeping Troubles? We Can Help

If you’re sure you’re not sleeping through the night (or it certainly doesn’t feel like you are), talking with us is a good idea. Is it possible that you may need something other than sleep apnea treatment to improve your rest? Of course. However, if you have even an inkling that you snore or that you’re waking up struggling to breathe at night, coming to us with your concerns is a wise decision. Fortunately, we can help!

Talk With Us About Snoring

First, if you are someone who is known for your snoring, it’s important that you speak with us. This could be a sign of sleep apnea and a need for sleep apnea treatment. Or, it could be just what you think it is: A case of serious snoring. While you won’t end up with serious side effects as a result of just snoring, it will definitely lead to some throat discomfort and sleep that’s anything but consistent. We can help offer suggestions to prevent snoring, while providing the use of oral appliance therapy to stop the problem.

Speak With Us About Sleep Apnea

When you talk with us about snoring, you’ll be talking with us about sleep apnea and sleep apnea treatment, too. Why? Well, the symptoms can overlap a bit and you may have trouble determining exactly what’s happening. It’s important to remember that if your severe snoring is associated with your sleep apnea, the entire issue can lead to serious health problems and severe daily exhaustion. Like for snoring, we will guide you toward lifestyle changes that can help your throat muscles remain active. We will also provide oral appliance therapy, so you can breathe as you are meant to.

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