Categories: Sleep Apnea

Sneaky Summer Sleep Apnea Dangers

For individuals suffering from sleep apnea, potential hazards present a whole new slew of concerns that may not threaten those without this sleep disorder. This is because you are dealing with interrupted sleep as the result of collapsing throat muscles and soft tissues. Fortunately, if you are receiving treatment, you know that you can overcome the issue and enjoy consistent, restful sleep. However, now that summer is in full swing, we suggest you remain mindful of a few dangers, so you can continue sleeping through the night.

Those Relaxing Cocktails

The little umbrellas and slices of pineapple in festive summer cocktails can make them nearly irresistible. The same is true for a glass filled to the brim with pure liquid amber if you have a penchant for beer! Unfortunately, these summer delights can truly mess with your ability to keep your sleep apnea under control. Alcohol relaxes the muscles in your throat that must remain active while you sleep, so you might want to reach for a non-alcoholic alternative (especially at night).

Those Late Night Soirees

Summer schedules are often a bit looser and the sun stays out so very late! As a result, you may find yourself enjoying social gatherings well into the night. Unfortunately, if you’ve been on a consistent sleep schedule, this can throw your sleep a bit off track. Do your best to remain steady with your bedtime to promote solid rest.

Those Concerts In The Grass

Anything that contributes to the obstruction of your airways is bad news for sleep apnea. This is why we suggest you think carefully about your choices if you suffer from allergies during the summertime. Heading out for a concert in the grass? Take your allergy pill first, so congestion doesn’t get the best of you.

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