Tooth Decay Quiz: Are You Avoiding It?

Are you trying your best to avoid tooth decay? Are you under the impression that you’re doing quite a good job but if there are some secret tips out there, you just might like to learn some new information? The good news is that avoiding decay is something that anyone can do. The bad news is that making some very simple mistakes can cause an otherwise dedicated patient to experience a cavity. Allow us to help you by making sure your knowledge is nice and full of the essential details.

Quiz: True or False?

  1. True or False: It’s okay to decide that you aren’t in the mood to brush and floss every now and then. As long as you are usually very committed to dental care, just one missed session won’t lead to problems like tooth decay.
  2. True or False: If you are brushing and flossing as we have instructed you for your smile but you aren’t coming in to see us for your cleanings, this is fine. We just need to make sure your smile is getting clean every day.
  3. True or False: When tooth decay is present in your mouth, you will know.

Quiz Answers

  1. False. It takes as little as 24 hours for plaque to become extremely hard (something we refer to as calculus or tartar). So hard, in fact, that you can’t budge it at all with dental hygiene. Skipping one session (particularly flossing, which you do once a day) can be dangerous.
  2. False. It’s not fine! The cleaning that you do is important but it is not complete. You will inevitably leave behind traces of plaque, which can become tartar. The only way to bridge the gap on that additional care you need? Professional cleanings.
  3. False. You might notice that your tooth hurts. However, you might not notice anything because symptoms of tooth decay are not a given. Checkups are necessary, so we can uncover a problem that you cannot.
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