Categories: TMJ Disorder

What To Know About TMJ Disorder

Nothing is more concerning than enduring a dental emergency or injury as a result of an accident. Indeed, these occurrences can vary in terms of severity, and while some instances may be nothing more than a minor chip, others can result in dislodged teeth completely. Still, accidents and emergencies are far from the most common dental concerns to worry about, and an array of traditional and nontraditional concerns exist alike. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX dentist takes a look at the way jaw dysfunctions such as TMJ disorder impact your oral function as well as your health.

A Product of Chronic Teeth Grinding

Most dental concerns typically begin with an infection or other phenomenon that may seem minor initially. As it is allowed to persist, however, the concern will certainly become worse and more difficult to treat. The same can be said for phenomena such as snoring or grinding your teeth while you sleep. Though these issues may not seem like they are something that you should be aware of, it is best to keep them on your radar.

Indeed, teeth grinding occurs when a person unconsciously clenches his or her teeth together and moves the lower jaw from side to side. This process creates friction between the structures and even causes damage in the form of enamel erosion and fragility.

In addition to more sensitive teeth, chronic bruxism can lead to a dangerous jaw dysfunction known as TMJ disorder. Indeed, this phenomenon occurs when the lower mandible becomes misaligned with one or both of the temporomandibular joints at which it attaches to the cranium. For more information about this process, give our team a call today.

Day to Day Impact

Whether you are aware of it or not, TMJ disorder can cause major functional complications and difficulties. For example, it may be difficult to open the mouth properly or wide enough, making simple practices such as eating much more of a chore than it needs to be.

Additionally, you will experience an incessant popping or clicking sensation in the jaw as it attempts to correct the misalignment on its own. Not only can this process be painful, but it can lead to significant tissue damage as well. Give our team a call to learn more today.

Solutions for Jaw Realignment

Our team can help treat your case of TMJ disorder through highly-customized care. Indeed, we can help guide your jaw back into place safely through guided splint therapy. What’s more? We can also help set you up with a custom oral appliance so that your structures remain protected as you slumber.

Speak with Our Team

When you are ready to learn about your TMJ therapy options, contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600 and schedule your next appointment with our team today.

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