What to Remember About Modern Tooth Fillings

A large majority of people (at least 90%) will experience tooth decay at some point in their lives, or already. However, not as many people realize how advanced modern treatments for tooth decay have become, especially fillings designed to treat the most common cases of cavities. Today, we examine a few things you should remember about modern tooth fillings, and how they can restore your tooth from a cavity more discreetly and more effectively than you might expect.

They’re more discreet than you might think

Traditional tooth fillings have been made from metal amalgam for more than a century, and many people assume that they still are. While some fillings may still be crafted from the combination of metal materials, increasingly more people are benefiting from more biocompatible restorations. For example, a tooth-colored filling is made from customized, highly biocompatible composite resin, which is made from finely ground, BPA-free acrylic and quartz-like particles. Unlike metal, the resin can be tinted to match the color and tint of your healthy tooth structure before the filling is placed.

They restore teeth as well as prevent more problems

While modern tooth fillings can offer more discreet solutions for restoring a tooth with a cavity, they can benefit the health and integrity of your tooth, as well. Composite resin’s greatest strengths lie in its ability to conform precisely to the shape of your cavity, to bond securely to your tooth structure, and to retain its shape for years after it’s been hardened. This allows your filling to restore the tooth’s health and integrity, as well as effectively protect it from the potential of becoming infected with oral bacteria again. Because of this, filling a cavity with a tooth-colored restoration can help reduce your risks of needing more extensive treatment in the future.

They’re friendlier to your healthy tooth structure

Once a tooth filling is placed in your tooth, it doesn’t just fill your cavity, it also interacts with the rest of your tooth structure and healthy, natural teeth. When you bite and chew, the filling may run against the opposing tooth structure. While the filling remains, it’s also responsible for fortifying the tooth that it’s placed in without damaging any of its natural structure. The biocompatible nature of composite resin means it can restore your tooth’s function with little or no negative impacts to the rest of your teeth, improving the long-term state of your oral health.

Learn more about modern tooth fillings

Modern tooth fillings are more advanced than you might realize, and in more ways than you might expect. To learn more, schedule a consultation by calling the Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX, today at (936) 441-4600. We serve patients from Conroe and all neighboring communities.

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