Categories: Sleep Apnea

What Your Restless Sleep Really Means

Traditional oral health concerns such as cavities, gum disease, and sensitive teeth are usually what come to mind when discussing threats to your oral health. Indeed, most individuals know that failing to brush will lead to infection, or that their six-month checkup is necessary to ensure minor concerns are not developing into major ones. Unfortunately, the issue does not stop there, as threats to your dental health are vast in number and can include a variety of nontraditional methods. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX dentist takes a look at the way restless sleep is tied to your dental health, and how obstructive sleep apnea can lead to even bigger concerns down the line.

Do You Experience Bruxism?

Waking up in the morning with a tense or sore jaw is certainly an unpleasant feeling, and understanding the process and how it relates to your health is necessary. You see, this phenomenon is often a result of bruxism, or chronic teeth-grinding.

Teeth-grinding occurs when a person consciously or, in most cases, unconsciously clenches their teeth together and moves the lower mandible from side to side. The friction generated during this event can cause a tense or sore sensation in the jaw, as well as increased chances of a dangerous jaw dysfunction known as TMJ disorder.

While TMJ disorder is an absolute possibility if treatment is not sought, what could be the cause? Many studies have shown that teeth-grinding is related to the body’s innate ability to. Regulate breathing and ensure survival. This means that another concern, such as sleep apnea, could be the culprit behind the problem. Regardless, it is imperative you visit with our team to ensure the best possible outcome for your smile.

Snoring and Other Complications

Most individuals would not consider snoring an indicator of something wrong with their smile, let alone an issue at all. The truth is, however, that snoring in the form of a blocked airway can lead to disrupted sleep. During the day, a person experiencing a restless night of sleep might feel hypersomnia, have trouble paying attention, feel irritable, and much more.

While snoring as a one-off occurrence is nothing to worry about, chronic snoring coupled with a restless night of sleep can be indicative of a much bigger concern like obstructive sleep apnea.

Dangers of Sleep Apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when the throat muscles become relaxed while you slumber, thus restricting the air passage significantly. As a result, your brain may send signals to either open the airway manually through the process of grinding your teeth or briefly rouse you to correct the issue. Without treatment, OSA can lead to complications that impact your heart, liver, and much more.

Schedule Your Next Appointment

Contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600 to learn more about the dangers of sleeping disorders, or schedule your appointment with our team today.

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