Why Do I Have Bruxism?

One of the most frustrating aspects of dealing with bruxism disorder is the fact that you will want to know why you have it … and the answer won’t necessarily be cut-and-dry. It’s always nice to be able to trace the source of an oral health issue. However, that is not always completely possible. Does this mean you cannot regain your smile health and your comfort? Not at all! We can certainly provide treatment. To help you understand the ambiguity that comes with the territory (and for clarity regarding common causes), we offer you some very helpful explanations.

There Isn’t A Particular Answer

When you’re asking why you have bruxism disorder, it’s very important that you recognize one thing: We might not be able to provide you with an answer. We can point to possible reasons it’s going on. We can even seek out common disorders that come along with bruxism (such as TMJ disorder) to ensure we are thoroughly addressing and protecting your mouth’s ability to function.

It Could Be A Lot Of Things

Your bruxism disorder may have come about as the result of a long list of possible factors. First, it’s possible that an overactive chewing reflex is to blame (or partially to blame). Your jaw might be “trained” into moving more than it should based on daily habits or overuse of caffeine. You may suffer from TMJ disorder, which can lead to grinding or clenching. You might even have a misaligned smile, which leads to habitual movement as an unconscious effort to compensate for your poor bite. Even serious daily stress can come into play. Good news: No matter the reason why you’re dealing with bruxism, we offer treatment, so you can avoid injury and get back comfort and quality of life.

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