Why Grinding Causes Grief for Your Teeth

Obviously calling something a “bad” habit implies a problem, but some tics and habits are more destructive than others. Tapping your fingers on the desk? Annoying. Smacking your gum? Awful. Grinding your teeth? Downright destructive. Whether you realize it or not, your teeth can take a real beating from even the most seemingly harmless behaviors. If you find yourself grinding your teeth, a condition called bruxism, it’s time to seek alternate means of coping with your stress.

Daytime vs. Nocturnal Teeth Grinding

The majority of people who grind their teeth in response to stress do so exclusively during their waking hours, and they are usually at least somewhat aware of it. Someone who grinds their teeth while sleeping, on the other hand, may have no idea that they grind their teeth. Causes of nighttime teeth grinding include anything from a TMJ disorder to a misaligned bite. It is not uncommon for bed partners to point out nocturnal bruxism rather than the patient becoming aware of the problem on his or her own.

Harmful Effects of Grinding on Teeth

A lifetime of grinding can cause teeth to be prematurely worn down, giving the a flattened, unnaturally small appearance. Because the teeth are subjected to unnatural stress and friction, they are also significantly more susceptible to breaks and chips. Over time, this wear and tear can even lead to tooth loss, in which case the teeth must be replaced with dentures, implants, or a bridge. Ideally, we can treat the problem before this is the case.

Treatment Options for Bruxism

If your grinding habit is the result of stressful situations, consider experimenting with new stress management techniques. For example, you might try progressive muscle relaxation, guided imagery, or even something as simple as listening to peaceful music. Patients who grind their teeth at night often benefit from a specially made oral appliance to be worn at night. The device, which works much like an athletic mouth guard, protects teeth from harmful friction and clenching.

About Your Conroe General Dentist

For more details about teeth grinding and restorative dentistry in Conroe, TX, or to schedule an appointment with At the The Dental Centre of Conroe, John M Richards DDS delivers distinctive cosmetic, restorative, and implant dentistry for residents of Conroe, Houston, The Woodlands, Willis, Huntsville, and the neighboring communities. For more information about our services, or to schedule an appointment, contact us by calling(936) 441-4600.

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