#1: “Is This Too Hard For My Teeth?”
If you pick up a particular type of food that you’d like to eat and the thought crosses your mind, “Is this too hard for me to eat?” then the answer is likely a big yes. Otherwise, you would not have paused to consider whether it might damage your oral health. When in doubt, move on to something else.
#2: “Am I Brushing Too Hard?”
If you’re wondering if you’re brushing too hard, the answer is always yes. Why? Well, because you should be brushing with a very light hand. If you are brushing gently as we suggest, it would be impossible to consider your efforts to be “hard” or “aggressive” in any way. Lighten up with the pressure to avoid gum damage and you’ll be glad you did.
#3: “Should I Be Flossing?”
The answer to this is always yes and will always be yes. Rumors will come and go, you may sometimes feel like flossing but sometimes not, and you may even try to convince yourself that you can begin some very detail-oriented brushing in its place. However, these details will never change the outcome: You must floss to protect your oral health.