Sneaky Dental Details You’re Missing

When you practice your dental hygiene, you are doing so because you want to maintain a healthy smile. The same is true for your intention when you are scheduling a visit to see us. Unfortunately, if you’re overlooking even a few simple dental care details, your intentions may not lead to the positive results you were hoping to achieve. Let us help you do your absolute best with some specific advice.

#1: Your Tongue!

You may think that your dental care extends only to your teeth and gums but your tongue needs some attention, too! Brush it gently when you brush your teeth, so you remove the bacteria that can lead to bad breath.

#2: Your Toothpaste!

Did you know that your toothpaste should have fluoride in it? If it doesn’t, you’re doing yourself quite the disservice. True, you may hear rumors about fluoride. You probably receive it in your drinking water, so you wonder if you need more. However, whatever you’ve been hearing or thinking, it’s important to make note: As dental professionals, we always suggest fluoridated paste for exceptional preventive protection.

#3: Your Numbers!

If you don’t know how many times a day you should be brushing and flossing, how many minutes your brushing session should last, or how often you should visit us, you may not be providing your smile the very best dental care. Here’s what you need to know, in a nutshell:

  • You should brush twice a day
  • You should floss once a day
  • Every time you brush, it should take you around two minutes
  • You should visit us twice a year (visits should be scheduled six months apart)
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