About TMJ Disorder Treatment

Finding out that there’s something not quite right with your jaw joint function can feel a bit unnerving. You use your jaw joints – called your TMJs (or temporomandibular joints) – every day for important daily tasks like eating and speaking. True, this can become quite challenging if you ignore the problem. Fortunately, by seeking TMJ treatment to alleviate symptoms and protect against long-term physical damage, you will find yourself on a path toward a comfortable, healthy smile. Rest easy, treatment is non-invasive, comfortable, and effective.

About TMJ Treatment

To address your TMJ disorder, we need to keep you from placing any additional stress on your jaw joints. This is commonly a problem while you sleep, when you may either clench or grind your teeth – or the position of your jaw may simply add strain to your TMJs. We alleviate these problems by having you wear a customized, comfortable device in your mouth when you get into bed and while you sleep. Crafted of soft material and similar to an athletic mouth guard, the oral appliance will relieve TMJ tension.

TMJ Treatment Benefits

Oh, the list of benefits that accompanies TMJ treatment are vast. We encourage you to begin treatment as soon as possible, so you may take advantage of one of the following:

  • You can protect your smile from long-term damage, which can include serious harm to your TMJs and surrounding supportive structures, like ligaments, that become exhausted
  • Many of the symptoms you experience as a result of your TMJ concerns may begin to go away – this can include the noises that come from your jaw and the feeling of soreness or muscle fatigue you feel surrounding your TMJs
  • If you have been dealing with daily headaches or discomfort with chewing, these concerns may also dissipate

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