Are You Caring For Your Teeth At Home?

The enamel that protects your teeth may be the strongest material contained in the human body, but that does not mean it is indestructible. Indeed, it can be worn away with time, poor dental hygiene, and excessive consumption of foods or beverages with high levels of acidity. What’s more? Once it is gone, it will not come back, and nothing will be separating your natural teeth from the barrage of oral bacteria and other threats your grin faces daily. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX dentist explains what steps make up a consistent preventive care routine at home, and how you can take strides to provide exceptional care for your teeth.

Brushing Versus Brushing Properly

From a young age, you likely have memories of your parents or guardians urging you to brush your teeth so as to keep your smile clean and healthy. While at the time it may have seemed like just a ploy to make you do something you did not want to do, the truth is, it is a necessary step in an effective preventive routine.

Indeed, brushing your structures helps to remove deposits of sticky white material known as plaque and tartar. These substances develop as the day goes on, and contains oral bacteria that lead to bad breath, tooth decay, and gum infection. As such, your dentist recommends brushing at least twice a day to prevent plaque from building up.

Additionally, there is a big difference between brushing your structures half-heartedly and doing a thorough job. Keep in mind that you should be making small circles as opposed to back-and-forth motions so that you can reach the areas that are difficult to access. To learn more about this process and how our team can help, give us a call today.

The Function of Flossing

Because your oral cavity contains many structures that influence your oral health, it only makes sense that your preventive routine consists of practices that address more than just your teeth. Indeed, gum health is very important as well, and flossing is the practice that helps.

Without adequate care, bacteria can make their way beneath the surface of your gums and attach to your tooth roots. Over time, this can cause major complications and even lead to tooth loss.

Major Benefits of Mouthwash

Another important factor that comprises your at-home routine consists of using mouthwash. Rinsing with mouthwash offers a number of benefits, including eliminating much of the bacteria that contribute to bad breath, as well as reaches areas that might not be as easily accessible with just brushing alone.

Book Your Visit

Contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600 to schedule your next appointment with our team and learn more about the necessary parts of a preventive routine today.

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