Ask Our Team About An Oral Cancer Screening

At a young age, you learn about the importance of brushing your teeth, flossing, and otherwise taking excellent care of your smile. When you were little, in fact, you likely had parents, guardians, siblings, and other family members emphasize a need for a regular dental routine. Though we learn that oral bacteria are the primary cause behind many oral health concerns, it is also important that we recognize the influence of other issues that can cause the downfall of our health. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX dentist reveals why our team screens for oral cancer and discusses the importance of checking throughout your life.

It’s Important We Screen

Early on, we learn that oral bacteria are the primary players when it comes to developing an oral health complication. After all, they are the root cause of gum disease, tooth decay, and a host of other infections. Though these issues are certainly more common than most, that does not mean that they are the only things you must worry about when it comes to oral health.

One issue that might not be immediately at the forefront of a patient’s mind is oral cancer. In fact, there is often a common misconception that only individuals who smoke cigarettes develop oral cancer. In all actuality, anyone can experience this issue at any given time or age.

Oral cancer is a phenomenon that targets your oral tissues, and occurs when cells continue to grow without stopping. Moreover, habits such as using tobacco products, excessive consumption of alcohol, and overexposure of the lips to the sun can lead to cancerous cell development. Contact our team to learn more today.

Signs and Symptoms

As we mentioned previously, anyone can be affected by oral cancer. It is important to be able to recognize the signs and symptoms, as well as reach out to the right people for assistance. Our team can screen for oral cancer during your routine dental visit, where we will check your tongue, lips, cheeks, floor of the mouth, roof of the mouth, and throat for signs.

Some of the key telltale signs of oral cancer development include any noticeable bumps, rough red or white patches, and sores that do not seem to heal. To learn more about this process and how our team can help, give us a call today.

Part of Your Regular Checkup

Believe it or not, an oral cancer screening is a relatively quick and painless process. Make sure to ask our team about it the next time you are in our office, and learn more about the treatment options and next steps moving forward.

Learn More Today

To schedule your next appointment with our office, contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600 and learn more about the signs, dangers of, and need for treatment for oral cancer.

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