Bonding And Contouring: A Wonderful Gift

Is there someone in your life who is unhappy with his or her smile and you would like to offer the gift of cosmetic dentistry? While this is a very thoughtful desire, you might find that the financial investment can seem a bit steep. Good news: In many cases, you can rely on dental bonding and contouring to offer a smile makeover a loved one want, while you feel comfortable with the budget-friendliness of these treatments. Learn a bit more, so you can decide whether this may be the option you have been hoping to discover.

It’s Quite Quick and Comfortable

Whether it’s your 21-year-old son who is too busy with school for multiple visits for cosmetic care or your 65-year-old mother who is primarily concerned with comfort, you can rest assured that dental bonding and contouring are suited to most patients. Here’s why:

  • These treatments usually require just one visit because they are efficient (while offering beautiful results)
  • Both bonding and contouring are comfortable, so the treatment is nothing to feel concerned about

Bonding and Contouring Address Most Esthetic Issues

You may wonder how we can suggest dental bonding and contouring as a thoughtful holiday gift without knowing what your loved one dislikes about his or her smile. These companion treatments (bonding “adds tissue” while contouring removes tissue) can address most esthetic problems, including the following:

  • Bonding can offer whitening (coverage of stains), improved chips and cracks, it can lengthen teeth, and fill gaps between teeth
  • Contouring can reduce long teeth, improve the appearance of teeth that gently overlap, smooth out rough textures, soften a pointed tooth, improve tooth shape, and improve uniformity
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