Bruxism Treatment

Dealing with bruxism is not something that you should take lightly. Unfortunately, you may not even realize you’re dealing with this dental disorder until your significant other mentions that you are grinding your teeth or until we recognize symptoms of grinding or clenching. The good news, however, is that once the problem is identified, we can assist you in preventing serious long-term damage with bruxism treatment. Keep in mind, in addition to our therapy, there are steps you can take toward keeping your smile in excellent, comfortable condition.

Oral Appliance Therapy

The bruxism treatment we provide for you is referred to as “oral appliance therapy.” To protect your smile from damage, we will ask you to wear an oral appliance – or mouth guard – while you sleep. Customized to fit your smile, the guard will prevent your upper and lower teeth from touching, which will end your clenching and grinding. Fortunately, this can protect you from serious side effects like sensitivity, fractured or broken teeth, and even TMJ disorder.

Skip The Stimulants and Stress

You may consider additional ways to avoid bruxism. A good form of bruxism treatment that you practice on your own time is avoiding anything artificially stimulating or stressful. For instance, drinking too much caffeine can cause your grinding or clenching to become worse. The same is true for stress – seek out ways of feeling calm (think yoga or reading), so you naturally relax your muscles.

Visit Us Consistently

Keep up with your dental checkups. This will allow us to monitor your progress with your bruxism treatment, ensuring your smile is healthy and safe and that you are on the road toward improvement.

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