Common Questions About Dental Bridges

There’s a lot of information to wade through when you’re investigating teeth replacement choices. As you approach the details of dental bridges, you will probably find that many of your questions are similar to the things you ask about all prosthetics. You want to know if your investment is going to be worth it, if you’ll be happy with the outcome on a day-to-day-basis, and whether it will make your life any more complicated. Fortunately, it’s all good news! As for those specific details you’re after, we’ve got them ready for you.

Is It Going To Last Long?

Good news: Your dental bridge is going to last a long time! It can vary from person to person and will last longest if you’re someone who cares for your smile with dedication (and you avoid eating foods that are too hard, chewy, or sticky). How long, you ask? About five years to 15 years!

Will It Give Me Good Stability?

Yes. While any treatment you choose with us will give you the stability to chew and speak with ease, you will note that a dental bridge is a fixed device, whereas dentures are not. Fixed means that it’s not something you can take out of your mouth and then put back in. It’s fixed in place (bonded over the teeth that flank the opening in your smile).

How Am I Going To Clean It?

You’re actually mostly going to do what you always do: You’ll brush twice a day and you will floss once a day. You’ll continue to schedule your appointments with us two times each year for a cleaning and a routine checkup. You will also clean between the dental bridge and your gum tissue with spongy floss (which will take a matter of seconds).

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