Common Rumors About Restorative Care

Have you heard rumors about restorative care that have almost scared you away from scheduling a visit with us? Perhaps you don’t mind the visit but feel unsure about the restoration in your smile. First, recognize that restorative dentistry is extremely important because it allows us to manage problems, so your smile remains healthy. Next, allow us to dispel some rumors, so you can feel calm and confident about making repairs when you need them.

Rumor #1: Restorative Care Hurts

The goal of restorative care is to end that discomfort. As a result, we strive to provide patients with the most comfortable restorative procedures. To make this possible, we offer both local anesthetic as well as sedation, such as oral sedation or IV sedation, so you remain free of discomfort.

Rumor #2: Many Treatments Are Often Unnecessary

We make very conservative diagnoses at our practice, which means we will only suggest restorative care treatments if they are absolutely essential. You may notice that as treatments become more complex, you tend to lose more of your tooth tissue. For instance, a dental filling typically requires the loss of less tissue than a root canal. Our goal is to preserve as much of your natural tooth as possible, so it remains in place for many years to come.

Rumor #3: Implants Are Frequently Unsuccessful

Fortunately, implants typically come with a 98 percent success rate. In addition, placed implants are only as successful as the hygiene of the patient receiving them. Keep your smile clean and continue seeing us for preventive visits and your implants will last.

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