Increasing Function With Tooth Replacement

When it comes to your smile, your oral health is the number one priority. In fact, a myriad of factors are constantly trying to wreak havoc and break down your natural structures, which is why it is imperative to practice consistent preventive care to ensure your grin’s health. For a number of people, however, these problems may progress to the point that their oral function has become significantly impacted. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX dentist is going to explain why your smile must function in an optimal manner, and how dental implants can help accomplish this task.

Dangers and Concerns with Missing Teeth

Growing up, losing a baby tooth as a result of another growing in its place was a natural phenomenon. As an adult, however, this is quite the opposite. Indeed, losing teeth as an adult can be a frightening process because it is often indicative of a much bigger concern, and once structures are gone, they will not grow back.

In addition to the cosmetic pitfalls of missing teeth, both your health and your function will take a hit as well. For instance, loss is often caused by some form or another of harmful bacteria that lead to decay or infection. The issue will continue to spread until your entire tooth has been compromised, causing it to either fall out on its own or result in the need for extraction.

Keep in mind, however, that just because the structure is gone does not mean the infection is, and your surrounding teeth will become exponentially more at risk for suffering a similar fate. What’s more, standard routines that involve biting, chewing, eating, and even enunciating become increasingly more difficult and painful to perform.

What Are Your Options

To avoid the negative effects of tooth loss on your smile’s health and function, our team recommends staying on top of your smile with consistent care. This involves attending routine checkups and cleanings, preventive care at home, and even seeking treatment if a perceived minor concern such as a cavity or ache persists. For more information about our services, reach out to our office today.

How Implants Contribute to Operation

In cases where decay has spread to the point that extraction is needed, your function will suffer a hit if additional treatment is not sought. The infection may be gone, but even as little as one missing tooth can impact your ability to properly function. As a solution, our team will work with you to determine a dental implant plan that works for your situation. Implants consist of a biocompatible post that is embedded in the jaw bone to function like a root, making it possible for your new restoration to absorb the pressure of your bite.

Talk to Our Team

Contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600 to learn more about the importance of oral function and how our team can help.

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