Dental Bonding: Learn More About Composite

Have you been thinking about addressing your small smile imperfections with dental bonding? If so, you have probably learned just enough to find out that bonding is a straightforward process that does not require much time (and that is also known for its budget friendliness). If you are curious about treatment, you may have found yourself asking about the material that makes bonding possible. Curious to find out more about composite and what makes it so unique? Gather up some interesting details and facts about this wonderful material we use for bonding your tooth with the following information:

It’s Moldable

Composite is a material that is made out of synthetic acrylic resin. We can alter the consistency and mold it according to your needs. For instance, if you need to lengthen the appearance of your tooth or fix a chip, we can “build up” the composite to re-sculpt certain areas. We may also place it between teeth to fill a space. However, we can also “paint” it onto your tooth if you need camouflaging. This is helpful for teeth displaying small cracks or stains.

It’s Safe For Most

Composite is known for its versatility because it is safe for most patients seeking dental bonding. It is also the same material we use for “white fillings” to treat cavities. The substance is free of metal and free of mercury, which means that we can use it for very young children, women who are pregnant and must avoid mercury, and patients who cannot receive metal restorations or treatments because of allergies to metal.

It’s Color-Customizable

We can customize the color of composite, so if you were worried that it’s available in a single shade of “white” you can kiss your concerns goodbye. We will color match the material to your target tooth for a finished appearance that looks beautiful and natural.


The Dental Centre of Conroe, John M Richards DDS delivers distinctive cosmetic, restorative, and implant dentistry for residents of Conroe, Houston, The Woodlands, Willis, Huntsville, and the neighboring communities. For more information about our services, or to schedule an appointment, contact us by calling (936) 441-4600.

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