Dental Bonding Post-Treatment Quiz

Do you know what’s going to happen to your smile after you receive dental bonding? Are you certain about how to care for your natural teeth – and your bonded teeth – without causing any damage? The good news is that the answers to these questions are simple, straightforward, and encouraging. By learning a bit more with a quick quiz, you will discover that the post-treatment experience you can expect is a good one.

Bonding Post-Treatment Quiz

  1. True or False: If your teeth feel strange after your dental bonding treatment, something is probably wrong. You need to schedule a follow-up visit with us immediately, so we may examine the treated area.
  2. True or False: You will need to switch to a special toothpaste made for bonding after we complete your treatment.
  3. True or False: You can expect your smile changes to continue looking wonderful for many years.

Quiz Answers

  1. False. Your teeth are going to feel different in the beginning because we have changed their shape, texture, length, or width. Fortunately, you will quickly become acclimated to the changes and you will stop recognizing the change. Before you know it, your teeth will simply feel “normal” again.
  2. False. After you receive dental bonding, you will continue to follow the usual recommendations for a healthy smile. Choosing to brush two times every day and floss once a day (with gentle products – no hard bristles or abrasive toothpaste) will protect your smile.
  3. True. As long as you treat your smile with care, bonding may last 10 years or more.
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