Dental Checkups: More Than Just a Cavity Hunt

It’s recommended that you attend a dental checkup with your dentist every six months. This time frame is important, because it allows your dentist to check in on the health of your teeth and oral tissues. It’s not just a cavity hunt that your dentist is on; they’re looking for all kinds of telltale signs of potential future problems. Before you attend an appointment, you may check your own teeth for signs of dark spots. You may brush extra diligently, and even floss a couple of times. The examination that your dentist performs is actually much more thorough and comprehensive, and it could end up saving you money as well.

Your Dentist Performs a Thorough Evaluation During Dental Checkups

Yes, your dental checkup does include a physical examination for cavities, but your dentist is actually doing a lot more during the appointment. Your dentist may also use digital x-rays to build a complete picture of your mouth. Using digital x-rays, your dentist can actually create a three-dimensional model of your oral cavity that reveals the development of your teeth and gums, and points to any structural issues that may be building. Additionally, 3D imaging can be used to show where your bite may be causing wear on your teeth, allowing your dentist to recommend proper preventive treatment.

During a Dental Checkup, Your Dentist Can Screen for Oral Cancer

As with many health problems, prevention is the best method for dealing with oral cancer. By screening for the signs of oral cancer, your dentist can catch the condition early and treat it as soon as possible. The faster you begin treatment for a condition like oral cancer, the better your outcome will be as a patient. During your dental checkup, your dentist can screen for this condition, examining your mouth for sores and discoloration. You should talk to your dentist about this type of screening before your visit.

Your Dentist Can Recommend Treatment and Preventive Care During Your Dental Checkup

Successful football coaches use halftime to make adjustments to their tactics. Your dental checkup is like a halftime for your teeth. Not only can your dentist spot potential problems, but they can also recommend treatment methods to help keep your teeth healthy in the future. Your dentist may ask you to adjust your home care routine, or recommend a product that can help you clean your teeth more efficiently. With proper preventive care, you can often circumvent common oral health issues like cavities. It all starts with making the appointment.

Schedule Your Dental Checkup at The Dental Centre of Conroe

If it’s been more than six months since your last dental checkup, it’s time to make your appointment! Dental insurance typically covers these biannual visits, so take advantage of this coverage. At The Dental Centre of Conroe, you’ll receive a thorough examination, as well as recommendations for preventive care. Schedule your dental checkup at The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by contacting our office at 936-441-4600.

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