Dental Fillings: Detail Review

You’ve probably learned about dental fillings before. However, if you have never received one or it seems like it’s been ages since you asked us about them, you might be a bit rusty when it comes to the specifics. We always encourage patients to become educated about this restorative treatment because it is quite common, extremely helpful, and something you should feel comfortable accessing if you should need it. Today, we would like to guide you through a quick detail review to make sure your knowledge is still up to snuff.

What’s In A Filling?

We place tooth-colored fillings, which means you’re not receiving metal in your tooth. Instead, after we get rid of the decaying tissue in your tooth and ensure the site is clean and smooth, we place something called composite. It’s composed of a special mixture of acrylic and glass, which we can mold to replace your missing tooth tissue.

How’s It Going To Look?

It’s going to look beautiful! Well, it will actually not look like much of anything out of the ordinary other than like you have a naturally healthy tooth. This is because composite offers a lifelike finish. Also, we will identify the shade of your tooth and match the composite to that color. As a result, it will blend in with your tooth, so nobody will see that you have a filling (it won’t discolor your tooth, either, the way metal fillings can).

Will It Last?

Of course! You get the benefit of a healthy, beautiful tooth, as well as durability. Expect a restoration life of around 10 years or so!

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