Restorative Care Recovery: Q&A

Do you have some serious questions about restorative dentistry? Are they all focused primarily on what you can expect after your procedure because you have been hearing a lot of stories (most of which cause you to feel worried, rather than relieved)? Fortunately, you can expect a surprisingly easy time after your care. Your mouth will heal fast, so you can look forward to recoveries that barely disrupt your daily life (if at all).

Questions and Answers: Restorative Treatment Recovery

Question: I’ve heard that it can take months to recover from dental implant surgery. Does this mean that if I choose this restorative dentistry treatment that I will not be able to use my mouth for a very long time?

Answer: Of course not! While the full length of time it takes until we can restore your implant with a restoration may require several months, you will heal enough within a couple days or weeks to fully utilize your teeth. You will not be left without a way to eat comfortably or speak clearly!

Question: I keep hearing stories about fillings, crowns, and root canal treatments. Everyone is telling me that my tooth will be sore for weeks afterwards and that I’ll have to use the other side of my mouth to chew. Is this true?

Answer: While your tooth may be irritated or a bit sore for up to a few days, these restorative dentistry treatments are quite efficient. You will heal quickly, which means you will be back to using your entire smile within as little as one day (generally true for a filling) to just a few days.

Question: Is it true that it’s very hard to recover after a dental extraction?

Answer: Not at all. It’s very easy. All it takes is following our restorative dentistry aftercare suggestions, which will tell you exactly how to eat, how to keep your mouth clean, and how to protect the extraction site, so it heals swiftly.

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