Dental Implants: Challenges You Can Overcome

When you’ve got dental implants on your mind, you may have more than just excitement brewing. Instead, you might find yourself focused on the potential challenges that may come your way as you’re doing your best to plan to receive implants as your solution for missing teeth. Is there anything you can do about these concerns? Or, must you simply choose another course of action? In many cases, you can most certainly overcome them!

Financial Concerns

We know that one of the challenges you foresee is all about your budget. Don’t let this completely deter you. No matter what, it is worth talking over the details with us, so we can help you figure out whether financing, insurance, etc. will make receiving dental implants a reality for you.

You’re A Smoker

If you are a smoker, it’s true that this may present some level of challenge for you to receive dental implants and to maintain them, as well. However, smoking is not a major deal breaker. Instead, it’s something that we will need to discuss with you. You will need to abstain from smoking just before and after placement (and, of course, we strongly suggest against it for the rest of your life!). Have questions? Ask us, rather than making any assumptions.

Your Smile Isn’t Ready

Your smile might not be completely ready for dental implants right now. What you’re probably hoping to find out is that just because you may have some trouble with your jaw health or otherwise, that you can become a candidate. Fortunately, this is absolutely true! Talk with us about treatments like bone grafting, restorative care, and more that will help you take a path that leads toward qualifying for implants! It’s absolutely possible.

Seek Implant Information From Us

Learn more about qualifying for dental implants by taking time to speak with us during a visit. Come in for a visit in Conroe, TX by scheduling a visit with the Dental Centre of Conroe by calling (936) 441-4600. We serve patients from Conroe, Houston, The Woodlands, Willis, Montgomery, Magnolia, Huntsville, and the neighboring communities.

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