Replace Missing Teeth With Implants

When it comes down to it, losing a permanent tooth as an adult is far from the top of anybody’s list. After all, the structure will not come back and you will have to sport a noticeable gap in your grin for the rest of your life! In addition to that, other functional and structural complications can arise and lead to even greater concerns down the line if treatment is not sought. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX dentist will discuss why it is so important to have missing teeth replaced and details what you can expect from implant treatment.

Why Replace Lost Teeth?

From a young age, we learn that taking care of our smile is essential for maintaining a healthy grin for life. Though we lose our baby teeth at a young age, they are replaced with our permanent adult teeth. That being said, if these structures are to endure significant damage, trauma, or infection and become lost, they are considered to be gone for good.

Though you may be able to become comfortable with sporting a single gap in your smile, the more you obtain, the more likely you will be to endure significant functional and structural complications. You see, the crown and root structure of a tooth is what helps stabilize your structures and allows them to perform routine tasks such as biting, chewing, and eating.

When one or even several of your teeth are gone, the other structures shift to try and accommodate the missing teeth. This then leads to strain, tension, and other functional concerns. Fortunately, this is where implant dentistry can help. To learn more about this process and how our team can help, give our office a call today.

Benefits of Implant Posts

When a person has lost one or more adult teeth, their dentist will likely recommend seeking replacement options through implant dentistry. Dental implants consist of a biocompatible titanium post and an artificial crown that is secured to the top of it.

Your post and crown combo are designed to function in a similar manner as your natural teeth roots and crown. This not only allows the replacement to absorb a necessary amount of bite pressure, but helps stimulate the jawbone to keep the tissues strong. Contact our team to learn more today.

Providing a Lifelike Finish

In addition to addressing functional and structural issues that arise from missing teeth, your dental implants are specifically designed to provide a near-seamless finish. In other words, most people will not even be able to tell that you received treatment, to begin with!

Give Our Team a Call

To learn more about the many benefits of dental implants and how our team can help you get started, contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600 today.

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