Categories: Tooth Loss

How Extraction Prioritizes Your Health

When seeking dental treatment, it goes without saying that nobody’s first choice is to lose a natural tooth. After all, technological advancement has made it possible to address damage of varying degrees, and staying on top of your preventive dental routine can pave the way for a lifelong smile. Still, sometimes life may have other plans and dental infection or damage spreads rapidly, becoming a much bigger problem than you initially thought it would be. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX dentist discusses how a dental extraction might be necessary to prioritize your oral health, and what to expect from treatment.

Addressing Impacted Teeth

Taking care of your teeth is a lifelong process and one that certainly could benefit from an upgrade or revisiting every now and then. Though dental prevention is your number one way to keep your smile healthy and happy, it is important to know that it is no match for non-bacteria-related issues. That being said, you should take care to attend regular checkups so that you can have a full and complete understanding of your dental needs and situation.

Everyone goes through the tooth development process, beginning with your first tooth as an infant. As you get older, you lose your baby teeth as they are replaced with your permanent adult structures.

In late adolescence, you begin to develop your wisdom teeth. These structures are the farthest back molars, and since they only have a limited space to work with, they often run into complications when erupting. In some circumstances, they fail to erupt completely, leading to them becoming impacted. In cases such as these, an extraction is a good option. To learn more about this process and how our team can help, give our office a call today.

Preventing Infection from Spreading

In addition to preventing complications from impacted teeth, a dental extraction can be used to prevent major infections such as tooth decay from spreading. For instance, if a tooth were in need of restorative dentistry and a root canal treatment would not be able to address the concern and prevent it from getting worse, then the next best option to consider is extraction. Contact our office today to learn more about your treatment options.

When Teeth Are Beyond Saving

Your teeth are some of the most important bones in your body, and our ultimate goal is to prioritize your overall health. Sometimes, however, a tooth endures damage to the point that it is beyond saving, meaning no treatment will suffice. Instead of letting these structures fall out on their own, removing them before they have a chance to infect neighboring structures could save your smile and overall health.

Give Our Team a Call

Contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600 to learn more about instances in which dental extraction is necessary for your health, and schedule your next appointment with our office today.

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