Does Your Smile Need a Makeover?

Each year, many Americans struggle with having crooked, stained smiles, often to the point of becoming extremely self-conscious. Your smile can be your first impression, and unfortunately many people will develop their opinions of you based on its condition. Although this isn’t necessarily fair or a good way to judge people, there are several things you can do to improve the look of your teeth. A smile makeover may be a good option if you have several areas in which to wish to see improvement.


A common complaint among those with low self-esteem is having crooked or crowded teeth. Moving your teeth with braces to their recommended natural positions can dramatically improve the look of your smile. In many cases, orthodontic treatment can also correct or prevent other dental health issues like gum disease and bruxism.


In situations where your teeth do not respond to whitening treatments, or you have chips or gaps in your teeth, porcelain veneers may be a suitable option to help your reach your smile goals. Veneers can be used on a single tooth, or multiple teeth, and produce an excellent natural look. They can last for many years, and may address minor misalignments creating a more uniform appearance.

Bonding & Contouring

A relatively simple, and pain free approach to correcting minor problems is bonding and contouring. Dental bonding is the process in which a tooth colored resin is applied to your teeth to cover or fix chips, gaps, stains and other minor aesthetic details. Contouring is used to gently reshape teeth that may be inhibiting your smile goal by overlapping, or appearing longer than other teeth.

Teeth Whitening

Many teeth whitening treatments can be performed in the comfort of your own home, and generally produce quick, noticeable results. For deep or hard to treat stains, you may choose to have a more powerful whitener applied in the dental office, and follow up with at-home treatments.


The Dental Centre of Conroe, John M Richards DDS delivers distinctive cosmetic, restorative, and implant dentistry for residents of Conroe, Houston, The Woodlands, Willis, Huntsville, and the neighboring communities. For more information about our services, or to schedule an appointment, contact us by calling (936) 441-4600.

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