Essential Facts About IV Sedation

Are you thinking that you might enjoy dental care more with dental sedation? If so, we can’t help but agree with you. For patients who hesitate to receive the care they need because of some amount of anxiety, we suggest having a discussion with our team about the right type of sedation for your needs. For some, IV sedation offers benefits that are just right. Curious about what makes this option unique? We have some helpful information for you.

How It Works

IV sedation works by significantly relaxing you for a dental care treatment. To provide you with this form of dental sedation, we will administer it into your bloodstream, which means nearly instant, custom sedation. This is done with the placement of an extremely small needle that will release the medicine into a vein in your arm or the back of your hand.

How To Get Home

This is extremely important when you receive sedation – particularly IV sedation, which will leave you in an extremely relaxed state. You will not be able to take yourself home from our practice. We will need you to secure a ride home (and someone who can help you inside and watch over you for a bit), so you have time for the sedative to wear off.

What You Can Expect

You can expect to enjoy a surprisingly deep state of tranquility. You will be able to talk with us during your experience but it’s entirely possible you won’t remember the details. You will remain awake, while feeling completely calm.

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