How Regular Checkups Benefit Your Smile

A dental exam is necessary for smiles of all ages. They benefit kids as young as age two and help adults and seniors too. In fact, these are crucial for protecting smiles from issues like bruxism, tooth decay, and even gum disease. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX, dentist talks about the benefits of regular checkup visits!

Seeing Us Every Six Months

We want to see you every six months for a checkup visit. The issues that could threaten your smile, such as tooth decay and gum disease, don’t form overnight. Checking in every few months means we have a chance to examine the teeth and gums and identify areas of concern in the earliest stages, often before you experience the symptoms. We then offer a personalized treatment plan to protect oral health and safeguard your smile. At different ages, we all face unique oral health concerns, and our team knows what to watch for in smiles of all ages.

The Technology We Use

Our team will employ advanced imaging systems to make a diagnosis with precision and accuracy. For example, using tiny intraoral cameras, we can look at the surfaces of your teeth and gums to look for tooth decay and periodontal concerns. Digital x-rays, which are more comfortable than traditional systems and unwieldy bite wings, gather digital images and display them chairside right away, while using a fraction of the radiation. We can design tooth decay, dental infection, and other concerns. With 3D imaging technology, we can take images and combine them to create a digital impression far more accurate than a physical one, so we can plan treatment and design custom restorations. Finally, we can use advanced technology to perform detailed oral cancer screenings every year for our adult patients.

The Benefits for Your Smiles

When we identify problems early, we can offer treatment like fillings for tooth decay or a deep cleaning for gingivitis, so we address your concerns quickly and often in one visit. You can then enjoy improved oral health and avoid issues that could eventually lead to pain and tooth loss. In the same visit, we also clean the teeth to remove all plaque and tartar, which in turn lowers the risk of future cavities, teeth stains, and periodontal issues.

If you have any questions about our dental checkups, or if you would like to schedule one for yourself or a member of your family, then contact our team today to learn more.

Ready to Schedule Your Next Exam?

Our team is ready to help you and your family enjoy optimal oral health with a checkup appointment. To learn more about helping smiles with preventive dental care, then contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600 today.


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