Is Your Smile Riddled With Blemishes?

The first thing that many people tend to notice about others is their smile. Indeed, your grin is one of your best attributes, and nothing portrays true happiness more than a gorgeous beam. Unfortunately, stains, chips, cracks, and even gaps can pose a threat to achieving this goal, as it becomes difficult to enjoy your appearance if your grin is riddled with blemishes and other discrepancies. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX dentist would like to discuss the ways cosmetic dentistry can help overcome this problem, and how porcelain veneers can enhance your appearance with a natural finish.

Consistent Wear Over Time

From the moment you develop your first tooth and well into adulthood, there are countless factors coming into contact with and impacting the structural integrity of your teeth. In fact, almost anything has some form of negative impact, including the foods and beverages you consume, the degree of effective preventive care you practice, if you partake in the use of substances or consumption of alcohol, and more. Because of these reasons, it is safe to say that most adults can benefit from a cosmetic enhancement of some sort.

As one of the most common blemishes, a stain or set of stains can be simply treated with a teeth-whitening procedure. During this process, your dentist will apply a strong but safe bleaching agent to the surfaces of your oral structures, then activate the gel with a special light. Here, the material will set to work breaking apart and lifting your stains. In some situations, however, these blemishes may be more deep-set than you expect, in which a whitening treatment may not be effective. What’s more, this will not address other types of discrepancies such as chips or cracks, meaning a different treatment must be sought.

Too Many Complications

More often than not, a person’s concern is not that one blemish is plaguing their smile, but that there are several. What’s more, they can vary in noticeability and degree, such as a combination of stains, chips, cracks, and even gaps. In cases such as these, it would make more sense to seek an all-encompassing solution as opposed to multiple specific ones, which is why porcelain veneers may be the best option.

Cosmetic Correction with One Treatment

When it comes to addressing several different cosmetic concerns, porcelain veneers offer the most in versatility. They are comprised of ultra-thin shells of dental porcelain that are applied to the front of your teeth and secured with dental cement. What’s more, they are crafted to closely mimic the natural shape, texture, and even shade of your smile so as to provide a lifelike finish.

Learn About Your Options

For more information about the benefits of veneers or to schedule your appointment with our team today, contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600.

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