Loving The Smile You Have

close-up of female lips with pink lipstick and a broad smile that peeps through the pink torn paperIt can be difficult to sport confidence when your smile is riddled with blemishes and discrepancies. Complications that cause functional difficulties such as decay, infection, and more can be handled with restorative dental treatment such as a crown, but what about concerns that are only cosmetic in nature? In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX dentist takes a look at instances that might warrant correction with cosmetic dentistry, and how our in-office teeth-whitening treatment can help.

Onset of Tough Stains

Whether you are aware of it or not, your grin endures a significant amount of wear over the course of your life. It comes into contact with factors such as harmful foods and beverages that contribute to its breakdown, harmful substances, and the test of time itself. Because of all this, it is no surprise that most grins can benefit from a cosmetic touch-up.

Items such as that morning cup of coffee you rely on to begin your day contain pigments that dull your shine and stain your teeth. Another example includes the effects of blackberries or cherries. These fruits contain high levels of acidity that not only actively wear down enamel, but allow the staining pigments to set into your grin even deeper, requiring more extensive treatment to address.

The Benefits of Dental Whitening

While preserving your grin’s function is one of the more important factors to consider for your smile, enjoying its appearance is important too. Cosmetic dentistry allows our team to treat imperfections and blemishes that tarnish your grin’s appearance in a simple and conservative manner. What’s more, teeth-whitening allows our team to treat and remove difficult stains while also enhancing your appearance significantly.

When you come in for your treatment, our team will begin by applying a strong but safe bleaching gel to the surfaces of your teeth. This gel will then be activated with a special light, effectively breaking apart and lifting away the imperfections. The gel will also brighten your smile up to several shades brighter, restoring your confidence and your youthful shine. For more information about this process, reach out to our team today.

A Brighter Appearance

There is no reason not to love the smile you have, and teeth-whitening offers a simple method to helping you achieve this goal. What’s more, it can be performed in-office or at your convenience with our custom take-home whitening trays. Your function is of the utmost importance, but that does not mean that your appearance must take a backseat to accommodate it.

Learn More Today

For more information about cosmetic stain removal and whitening, contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600 to schedule your appointment with our team today and get one step closer to achieving the smile of your dreams.