Q&A: Bridge Planning And Placement

Making the decision to replace your missing teeth is a very good choice. Leaving open spaces in your smile can lead to serious consequences, such as misalignment and problems with dental hygiene. As you know, these spaces may also take a toll on your self-esteem. If you have been considering dental bridges to complete your smile after tooth loss, you may feel overjoyed. However, you may also have a serious compilation of questions you would like to ask us. Rest assured, we will be happy to thoroughly explain what to expect during your next visit. For now, allow us to provide you with answers to questions patients often bring up about bridges.

Questions (And Answers) About Bridges

Question: Do I have to decide if a dental bridge is right for me before I visit your practice? I’m feeling uncertain about how to replace my missing teeth.

Answer: No! We suggest you schedule a consultation with us, so we may assist you in making a teeth replacement decision. While a bridge may provide you with a wonderful solution – it’s also possible that we can shed light on other suitable options.

Question: Do you provide patients with custom-designed dental bridges? Will my smile look natural once the bridge is in place?

Answer: Yes, we offer completely customized bridges based on the dimensions of your mouth, your features, the shade of remaining teeth, and your tooth replacement needs. Your smile will look beautiful and natural.

Question: How do you “place” a bridge? Will it last for a long time?

Answer: Because a dental bridge is “fixed” – which means it stays in place – we place it by bonding the end crowns over your anchor teeth (one on each side of the open space in your smile). Bridges last many years, often upwards of 15.

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