Q&A: Choosing Sedation For Your Needs

When it comes to the benefits of sedation dentistry, most patients will quickly agree that the advantages are astounding and exciting. However, when it comes to choosing a sedation option, many patients also find themselves faced with quite the dilemma. How to choose from among a variety of options that all help you achieve a tranquil state during your visit? For some quick tips, we invite you to view a Q&A session. For answers unique to your particular needs, we invite you to give us a call as soon as possible.

Q&A: Choosing Sedation Dentistry

Question: Which sedation dentistry solution should I choose if I have a phobia of needles?

Answer: If one of your major factors regarding your dental anxiety is a fear of needles, we will suggest oral sedation rather than IV sedation. Oral sedation requires you to take a pill, while IV sedation is administered through a very small needle placed in the back of your hand or in your arm.

Question: What should I do if I am the caretaker of an individual with special needs? Is sedation dentistry an option?

Answer: We invite you to speak with us about the patient you care for – we certainly offer sedation for individuals with special needs and have had great success offering relaxing, effective care. We will guide you through the entire process, making dental care easily accessible.

Question: What if leaving my house to visit your practice is part of my dental anxiety problem – what will I do if I cannot even make it to your office to receive sedation?

Answer: In this case, we may suggest oral sedation. You will have the opportunity to take a sedative the night before and then an hour before your visit, so you can show up feeling relaxed. You will need a friend or loved one to drive you to and from your visit.

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