Dental Emergency Quiz: True Or False?

Are you ever worried about what might happen in the case of a dental emergency? Are you less concerned with the actual problem (such as a dislodged or broken tooth) and more concerned with your ability to remain calm and do the right thing, so you optimize the end result? If so, we are happy to help steer you in the correct direction with a fun, brief quiz. Test yourself and gather the tips you need for a smooth experience.

Dental Emergencies: True or False?

  1. True or False: If your dental emergency revolves around a severe toothache, you should look for the strongest medicine you have. For instance, if you have prescription pain medication, take it.
  2. True or False: If you break your tooth or it becomes dislodged, you should throw out any remaining tissue (or the full tooth) – once it leaves your mouth, we can no longer use it.
  3. True or False: To make your experience easy, we suggest programming our number and address into your cell phone before a dental emergency occurs.

Quiz Answers

  1. False. We do not yet know what is wrong with your tooth and you will likely need to drive yourself to our practice for your dental emergency visit. We do not suggest you take something that has not been prescribed for your tooth, that could impair your driving, or cause complications for treatment when you arrive. Instead, reach for an over-the-counter analgesic like ibuprofen to relieve discomfort and any swelling.
  2. False. It is best to gather up any remaining pieces you can find, since we may be able to salvage and use them. Bring tooth pieces in a sealed bag or container. Carry an entire tooth with you in a sealed bag or container that you have filled with water and salt – or milk.
  3. True. Have our contact information ready, so you can relax and streamline the visit without additional panic or stress.  
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