A Damaged Tooth Is A Dental Emergency

Emergency dentistry is necessary to address injuries and damage, which could otherwise lead to tooth decay or an infected tooth. When these situations occur, you should see us right away. Until then, we have tips for easing your discomfort. In today’s blog, your Conroe, TX, dentist talks about our emergency dental care.

The Causes of Injured Teeth

A tooth could become injured in an accident, ranging from a sports injury to biting down on a particularly hard piece of food. Even minor chips and cracks are cause for concern, as they could expose the sensitive inner structures behind the enamel, allowing tooth decay and injection to develop, further treating your smile’s health, beauty, and stability. When an injury happens, even outside of our normal business hours, please give us a call. We can reach out and find a time to see you quickly and address your emergency situation.

Easing Your Initial Discomfort

After you call about your dental emergency, you can take action to ease your discomfort and prevent further complications. For example, rinse with warm water and use a cloth or piece of gauze to control bleeding. To prevent facial swelling, place a cold compress or ice pack against the side of your face. Try to recover any pieces of your tooth and ring them with you. But don’t worry, if this isn’t possible, we can still repair your tooth! To ease discomfort, you can also take an over-the-counter pain reliever.


Our team will carefully examine your smile and recommend the most appropriate treatment option. For minor chips and cracks, we could use dental bonding, applying a composite resin we shade to match your tooth. This bonds with the tooth and provides new structure to repair damage and improve the esthetics of your injured tooth too. For more severe situations, we could create and place a dental crown, which covers the physical portion of your tooth. Using materials like ceramic and zirconia, we can ensure a lifelike appearance and a durable chewing surface as well.

Preventing Injuries

To help lower the risk of injury, we recommend wearing a mouthguard if you play full contact sports or martial arts. Also, be sure you practice good oral hygiene habits, as healthy teeth with strong enamel are less likely to become injured. If you have any questions about addressing a dental emergency, or about preventing cracked or chipped teeth, then contact our team today to learn more.

Do You Have a Broken Tooth?

We would like to help kids and adults alike find treatment for a chipped or cracked tooth. To learn more about our emergency dental treatments, then contact The Dental Centre of Conroe in Conroe, TX by calling 936-441-4600 today.


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