Q&A: Improving The Shape Of Your Teeth

Patients come to us with a variety of complaints about the way their smiles look. For some, it’s discoloration that prevents a white smile. For others, misalignment is often an issue. Then, we have patients who wish they could do something about the shape of their teeth, which may or may not include size and length. Fortunately, if it’s improved tooth shape you’re after, we offer a variety of cosmetic treatments to help you attain a smile that beautifully complements your other facial features. Learn more with the assistance of a helpful Q&A session.

Questions and Answers: Tooth Shape Improvements

Question: Which cosmetic dentistry treatment is best for me if I just want to fix a couple teeth that are too short? What if neighboring teeth don’t touch?

Answer: We can lengthen or widen the appearance of a tooth with dental bonding. This is a simple procedure in which we place composite (color-matched to your tooth) to build-up the target area.

Question: Is there a cosmetic treatment that can help me deal with a tooth that is too long? What about a tooth with a really awkward, pointed, or jagged shape?

Answer: Dental contouring fits the bill if you need to smooth out rough areas. By removing just a tiny bit of your dental tissue, we can reshape teeth for an improved appearance.

Question: What if I’m unhappy with all of my teeth, I could probably use bonding and contouring, and I want a whiter smile and other improvements?

Answer: To improve the shape of your teeth on top of a list of many other concerns, we may suggest the cosmetic treatment known as porcelain veneers. With the use of very thin ceramic shells customized to your smile specifications, we can improve tooth shape (and just about everything else) by creating a façade over your smile. 

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