Q&A: Teeth Whitening Candidacy

Do you feel uneasy about others seeing your smile? Do you ever hide your teeth out of embarrassment? If you are suffering from mild or moderate smile discoloration, chances are good that you’ve been looking for an appropriate cosmetic treatment. The good news is that teeth whitening can dramatically improve the whiteness of your smile, so you feel confident again. To make sure you qualify for professional whitening, we encourage you to test your knowledge about candidacy. Keep in mind, even if this isn’t the perfect match for your needs, we will offer alternative pathways that will lead toward a brighter smile.

Questions About Teeth Whitening Candidacy

Question: Will I make a good candidate for teeth whitening no matter what type of staining I am dealing with?

Answer: Whitening candidates typically suffer from stains caused by natural aging, tobacco products, or certain drinks and foods. If you are dealing with significantly deep staining from medication side effects or trauma, we will need to discuss whether whitening or another treatment is best suited for your smile. We will make suggestions during your consultation.

Question: What if I have sensitive teeth? I have heard that teeth whitening is not an option for me.

Answer: If your teeth are sensitive, you may still receive whitening. We suggest that you stay away from over-the-counter (OTC) products that often aggravate or cause sensitivity and damage. We will provide you with professional take-home whitening formulated to brighten your smile, while protecting your teeth.

Question: Can I choose teeth whitening to improve the appearance of my prosthetics?

Answer: If your teeth are artificial (perhaps you have crowns or wear a bridge) or if you are already wearing veneers, we cannot offer traditional whitening to improve the shade of your smile. We will, however, craft a care plan tailored to address your concerns.

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